The DS-124 Defender Series(TM) Accu-Grips(TM) Laser Sight by Crimson Trace fits Smith & Wesson J-Frame (Round Butt) and Taurus Small Frame Revolvers. The Defender Series sets a new standard in...
The Laserguard Hellcat is a powerful red laser sight designed for the Springfield Armory Hellcat. By wrapping around the trigger guard, the Laserguard Hellcat maintains the sleek profile of the...
A highly useful accessory used by sportsmen, patrol officers, and tactical operators across the country, the 5.11 Thigh Rig is a lightweight, reliable, and completely customizable storage expansion...
The award-winning G-Series(TM) laser sights offer an even more compact frame application than traditional Lasergrips(R), maintaining your subcompact-sized GLOCKs lightweight configuration. Engineered...
The CT RAD (Rapid Aiming Dot) Electronic Sight is a full-size Open Reflex Sight for full frame pistols. Featuring a red 3 MOA aiming dot, the CT RAD has a recessed and fully multi-coated lens with a...